Blog Archive

Thursday 13 February 2014

Cheat post!

Typically, life has gotten in the way recently, so my posts have slackened off considerably. For now, I might put the journal on the back burner, and focus in on a couple of things that I've found in the past couple of days - another previous 'attempt' at a blog that I found interesting. There was only one entry, but it was from just after I found out I was pregnant with my daughter (who turns three in August!). I thought it would be an interesting juxtaposition to where  I'm at now. Here it is, try not to judge! Haha...

We’d just got back from Melbourne, for my birthday trip. I’d noticed while we were there that I was feeling really flat and tired, and it had stopped me from enjoying myself, as all I really wanted to do was nap in the hotel room. When we got back it got worse. We couldn’t figure out what was going on. I was sick, but it was the weirdest kind of sick I’d ever experienced. I wasn’t feeling anything in particular, except flat and nauseous at erratic times. It was coming up on Christmas time and work was wrapping up for the year (busy busy busy). We were organising our item for the Christmas concert, trying to get the Christmas Vac-Care program out plus still running the ASC program. I was working extra shifts and over time (without pay) so I initially just put it down to that. As December progressed though, I got steadily worse, until one day, when we were packing, LP found me on the floor, curled up asleep. He picked me up and put me to bed. The next day I woke up feeling a bit better, having gone to bed at around 8pm. I got in the shower where I started feeling sick, put it down to having he shower too hot, started brushing my teeth and promptly threw up in the sink. I decided then that it was time to go to the doctor to see what was going on. I went to work that day, but made an appointment straight after. LP came with me and we discussed going on the pill with the doctor. He sent me for a blood test just to check for everything, and gave me a prescription for the pill. I couldn’t get the blood test that day, so we went to the chemist to fill the prescription, where we found out that it was going to cost us $80 for three months supply. At this stage it was about three days before Christmas and the budget was stretched, so we decided to wait until after the holidays. I went to work the next day, where I was constantly feeling sick and had to keep running outside because I thought I was going to throw up up. The boss ended up sending me home early because I was useless anyway, so I stopped in on my way home to get the blood test done. With that done, and work finished for two weeks, I didn’t have much else to do except pack for when we went to Mum and Dad’s, so that’s what I did. 

My results were due in the next day (the 23rd December) and I didn’t want to be by myself when I got them so I decided to go see my Aunty. On my way there I bought a pregnancy test, out of interest, not because I thought that I was, just out of curiosity. When I got to my Aunty’s house I did the test, and was shocked to see that it came out positive. I freaked out a little bit, but decided to wait until the results came through from the blood test. I called through at about 2pm, and spoke to the receptionist. She was able to tell me over the phone. Everything came back normal, my red cell count, white cell count, liver is functioning normally, positive for pregnancy... I hung up the phone and burst into tears. I was shocked, I think more so than anything because I’d resolved myself to the fact that I’d never be able to have children. My next thought was ‘What am I going to tell LP?’. I didn’t know what to do, and it was about then that he started calling me to see what the results were. I couldn’t tell him something like this over the phone so I ignored all his calls. I waited until I knew he’d be home before I went home. I walked in the door, he met me, hugged me, kissed me and asked me how it went. I just looked at him and nodded. He hugged me tight, turned around and walked out the back and turned the whipper snipper on. I just let him go, he obviously needed to process it in his own time, and honestly, I needed some time too. He came back in about an hour later, and said “So, what are we doing then?”. I told him that I didn’t think I could get rid of it, but I wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He just looked at me and said, “Nah, I don’t think I could either”. 

SO I guess that’s how we decided we were going to have a baby...

Bit of a cheat post, but there'll be a follow up soon, promise!!

love, me x

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