Blog Archive

Friday 31 January 2014

Five year journal continued...

January 10th - What made you smile today?

Well, today that would be waking up to my daughter's smiling face in the bed next to me. She's been sneaking in there the last couple of days while her Daddy's still getting ready for work. Yesterday she was jumping all over me, and when I continued to pretend to be asleep, with my eyes scrunched up tight, I felt her warm little face up against mine and she asked ever-so-sweetly "Do you wanna build a snowman?" a la Anna from Frozen. SUCH a personality, and every day it develops a little bit more. I'm telling you, I lost it. First belly laugh I've had in a long time, I think because it was so unexpected, and because I love Disney, I got the reference right away (even though we've only watched the movie a couple of times). She is such a funny little dude.

January 11th - What's your favourite accessory?

Uhm. I don't really use them. I got a new handbag for Christmas, it's pretty nice. Cobalt blue...but I probably only take that out with me a third of the time.

January 12th - What is making you mad?

Haha. Right this very second: nothing! However, I live in Australia, and currently the Australian government and what they are doing to the 'little guy' is making me pretty mad. I'm definitely not an expert on politics, and I would never claim to be. What I do know is that Tony Abbott is swiftly turning our nation from a democracy into an authoritarian society. He seems to be hiding or camouflaging a lot of information from the public, and searching for scapegoats all the time instead of addressing and fixing problems. I could talk all day about it, but I'll save that for another post, perhaps.

January 13th - What did you have for dinner today?

We'll switch that up to 'What did you have for dinner last night', because it's morning here... Last night we had delicious steak, mashed potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower and carrots. It was awesome.

January 14th - What did you get done?

Again, Let's go with yesterday. I got all my washing done (now I have to put it away today :(...), I got the house looking respectable (at least the rooms other people see), got the kitchen neat and tidy and got up to date with my 'one line a day gratitude journal'.

January 15th - Who last called you on the phone?

My partner, to tell me he was coming home from work. That was yesterday too though. Still, it's Friday!

January 16th - Who are you in love with?

OOOOoooooo! Well, I'll tell you what, there's my partner, obviously, but I've gone on about him enough for a while hahaha. I'm going to do a BIG post on this tomorrow. Whaaaat! Cliffhanger!

Would help if I had some readers. Hahaha.

Love, me xx

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